Zora's Battle With Lymphoma

Zora's Battle With Lymphoma

by Errin
(Newark, Ohio)

On Sunday our beautiful 5 year old male German Shepherd, Zora, was going to bed and, as I was petting him I noticed his neck seemed swollen. I took him to the vet on Monday and was told it was not good. He had multiple lymph nodes swollen that I hadn't even noticed and the vet said it's late stage lymphoma.

He took biopsies which will be back Friday but he said he felt Zora would be gone by weeks end.

Although all of our dogs are all a part of our family, Zora is always joined at the hip to our 16 year old daughter who was inconsolable. So I immediately went into battle mode.

With the help of everyone I could find, the Internet, and the girls at my local herbal store, we started him on a daily regimen of cancer fighters and body cleansers. He gets Essiac, a whole body am and pm cleanse, a lymph cleanse, IP-6 which is a cell defense formula with inositol, and chaparral (this was the only herb I really wanted him to have that wasn't in any of the other supplements so I added it alone). He gets them with cheese so he thinks he is getting treats and loves them. I did choose the Essiac in pill form just because I thought it would be easier than trying to get him to drink it.

I also found a local acupressurist who came to our home yesterday and will be back on Friday so that's awesome. He is still eating and drinking well and so far no diarrhea but we are expecting that with all the cleansing.

It's hard to imagine him gone in a couple days. I'll be posting daily and letting you know what changes we make.

(Submitted Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012)

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May 15, 2018
Need Help for Zorro
by: Mr. Barlow

Hi Errin,
My 7+ year old GSD Zorro is having a tough time since the past month as he is suffering from lymphoma. We had a renovation at home with termite treatment and whitewashing of the house. Since his diet and energy was great we thought he might be having a minor infection which could be healed.

But yesterday the vet swept the floor beneath my feet giving my dog a time span of 20 days more. I am feeling helpless with the inadequacy of good vets in the Indian capital. I see you have done some cleansing therapies on Zora. I would like to give my best shot to my buddy Zorro and ready to give whatever it takes to increase his life span. Please help. Asap.

Feb 01, 2013
by: Tanya

I'm hesitant to comment and inquire on Zora, but also an optimist. 5 is just too young for that news.

We just found out our dog Sydney has lymphoma, she is just too old to put her through chemo. We sound very similar in regards to not wanting to give up. I just started doing research yesterday but was wondering if you had any suggestions to what types of herbs/vitamins/diet changes you feel are the most important. The least I can do is give her is a chance to cleanse her body and boost her immune system.

I hope to hear an update and wish you and your family the best.

Dec 24, 2012
Swelling in neck improved!
by: Errin

Zora went to the vet yesterday and the swelling is about half of what it was on the 10th when he was diagnosed, which is awesome!

He is on a lot of supplements right now, but still taking them like a champ and so far something is working so we are going to keep pushing on.

Dr. Morris (amazing woman) gave me some hands on techniques for helping move the fluid out of his legs and it is working, they look better today.

Our family will be coming today for Christmas and it's just such a blessing that not only is he still here, but he is still himself, full of energy and having a great Christmas! And that's all we wanted for Christmas...

Dec 22, 2012
Still doing good
by: Anonymous

Zora went to the vet today. He has got a little edema in his right hind leg so we put him on traumeel. It will help with the pain and inflammation. We also put him on blood root. The company is called tumorx. We will start him on one with each meal and increase it to 2. He eats 3 times a day so 6 a day. I've contacted the company so hopefully some guidelines to follow.

I'm going to increase his Essiac by adding the tea since he is only getting it in pill form. We are giving him 2 artemix before bed about 10 p.m. and will continue this for another week. We are going to add artemesinin to these 2 pills at that time to up the dose. He is going to stay on the body cleanse for the full 30 days so we are re-evaluating things daily.

Dec 16, 2012
Re Diet Changes
by: Elizabeth


I just wanted to reiterate that it might be important for you to check with your vet to ensure that the cancer hasn't caused reduced liver or kidney function. Your dog could become ill from a high protein diet if the liver or kidneys aren't functioning adequately. Perhaps you could have a CBC and urinalysis done on Monday.

I also wanted to add that it might be beneficial to eliminate whey protein from the diet, in addition to carbohydrates. Whey protein is a very insulinogenic protein, which means that it causes the pancreas to release a large amount of insulin. In fact, whey protein causes more of an insulin response than white bread. (http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/9/1/48) Hard cheese and butter (and probably cream) are the only dairy products that provoke an acceptably small insulin response.

Insulin response is important because research seems to indicate that it is the reduction in insulin signaling which causes the ketogenic diet to be helpful in treating cancer. The reduction in average blood sugar levels is probably important too, but blood sugar levels never go low enough on a very low carb diet (because the body turns fat and protein into glucose, which the brain needs) to explain the failure of cancer cells in a ketogenic environment.

Here's a summary of how it works:
Most body cells: Do NOT need glucose for survival. Can generate enough energy from protein and fat catabolism.

Brain cells: Need glucose for survival. Unlike most cells, do not need insulin to access the glucose. Glucose channels are always open.

Cancer cells: Need glucose for survival, and cannot access the glucose without insulin.

So the goal is to reduce average circulating glucose levels, but more importantly, to reduce insulin levels so that the cancer cells have difficulty accessing the glucose.

Dec 15, 2012
Diet changes
by: Errin

Thank you I will! He is having a really good day today! We have 4 acres so we walked around the border and he even played with the other guys. I dont know if it is my imagination or not but his neck seems smaller than on Monday. And he seems to be turning his head without any difficulty.

Dec 15, 2012
Ketogenic diet
by: Elizabeth

Errin, one thing that might prolong your doggy's life is a ketogenic diet (very low carb diet). Cancer cells that grow in a patient on a moderate or high carb diet are generally very good at utilizing carbohydrates for growth. When carbs are removed from the diet, insulin levels plummet, and so the cancer cells have a harder time using glucose for growth, and may die off, or at least not divide as rapidly.

Here is some info about the use of a ketogenic diet in treating lymphoma: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&C=&A=1697&SourceID= (The webpage also discusses the cancer-fighting benefits of omega-3 fatty acids)

Here is some info about what makes up a natural ketogenic diet (i.e., not Hills ketogenic diet): http://www.carnivora.ca/html/learning_centre/feeding_for_cancer/index.cfm

A ketogenic diet might not be helpful if the lymphoma has already affected your dog's liver or kidneys. If you are interested in trying the ketogenic diet, perhaps ask your vet if the diet would help or hurt at this point.

Dec 14, 2012
Thank you for your words
by: Errin

Thank you for kind words. Your story is so similar to his, it happens so fast you are left spinning wondering what just happened to this wonder ball of love!

We are now entering our "Miracle Days". The vet told us he would be gone by weeks end. I did actually talk to Dr. Snyder today. The test results came back positive which we already knew but hearing it still hits hard.

He had a great day! Starting to get a little loose stools but we expected that with all the body and lymph cleansers. Nancy, his massage/accupresure therapist, came again today and he was so relaxed he fell asleep! She is amazing with him. She gave us some "homework" to do with him and she is going to come back next friday. Hopefully by then he will be on artemix by then and we will be on our way to feeling better!

Dec 14, 2012
I share your pain
by: Mary Ellen

Hi Errin,

First let me say I am sorry to hear of your pet's illness. I too share your pain. I have lost my beloved pet Coco labrador retriever 1 year ago this past October. My husband and I still miss him terribly - he was our best friend. He also had lymphoma and leukemia which came on suddenly; we never knew until it was so far advanced and he was so sick that we ended his suffering by putting him to sleep he was 9 years old.

So sad to hear that your pet is just 5 years old - so young. Best of luck to you, enjoy your pet while you have him as they give us so much love while they are with us and when they leave us never will be forgotten.

Take care.

Dec 14, 2012
Update of supplements
by: Errin

I also will be adding artemisinin to his daily routine. I just checked my email and it should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I ordered the artemix just because I wanted all 3 components of the herb. I hope this does what the research shows it capable of doing. If so, this may be the miracle help so many of us are searching for.

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