Our Little Angel Had Bladder Cancer

Our Little Angel Had Bladder Cancer

by Ian & Gina
(United Kingdom)

Our Brave Little Flynn

Our Brave Little Flynn

Our Flynn came to us when he was six months old in 2004. His previous owner had bought him on a whim whilst on holiday in Ireland, but once home had no time for him.

When we first adopted him he was very nervous and would not come out of a cat box that he had been kept in but with great encouragement, and the help of the two Westies we already had, he finally began to trust us and started to become part of the family.

Although he was a Westie, he never fully grew, and was in fact the size of a Yorkie, but being the special character he was, soon ruled the roost, and stole all our hearts.

After six great years, we noticed there was blood in his urine. We took him to the vets who gave him a scan and discovered a small tumor in his bladder. We decided to have him operated on to remove it, which we was told was a success.

Everything seemed to be going fine, until two months later when we noticed again there was blood in his urine. A scan was taken again, but this time the tumor had come back, but was so large that an operation was out of the question.
After consideration, we decided to put him on a course of Onsior, which was not only a pain killer, but might help slow down the cancer.

Apart from him straining at times to pass wee he had a full life for two and half years. Many people could not believe that there was anything wrong with him.

Then six weeks ago, we noticed the pain killers where not doing much good, so we consulted the vet again, who put him on a stronger pain killer Tramadol, and Diazepam to help him sleep of a night. Once again this seemed to be doing the trick, until a week ago. He was so stressed out with the pain, and a large lump had appeared in his groin. We took him to the vets again who examined him and told us that the cancer had spread into his bowels and he did not have much time left.

Still unable to let him go we brought him home, but for three days he was either in a sedated state, or in extreme pain.

So the dreaded decision had to be made. He was put to rest four days ago, and although we know we made the right decision, and he is pain free now, we still feel that our hearts have been torn apart.

Our other two Westies, one 13 and the other 11, still seem to be doing fine, so perhaps the heartache will ease as time goes on.

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Nov 12, 2013
Bladder Cancer
by: Wendy & Shandy

Hi Gina

Sorry to hear you've lost another; and thanks heaps for the encouragement :)



Nov 12, 2013
Great News Wendy
by: Gina

Hi Wendy,

Glad to hear Shandy is keeping her food down. My little Flynn enjoyed going out right up to the last couple of weeks, even sticking up for himself if he needed to. Like I said before, people couldn't believe he had the big C for 2.5 years.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things, and although I'm sure they must be suffering some discomfort, the med must be controlling it.

Keep taking her out for as long as she wants to go, you will know when the pain gets out of control (not for awhile yet I'm sure) and then do the right thing for her.

Hard decision I know, but I have never regretted making mine, although still miss him every day. As I mentioned in previous comments, lost another Westie just a few weeks ago and had to make that decision again, it's heart breaking.

Wish you and Shandy many more happy times.


Nov 11, 2013
Shandys' cancer
by: Wendy

HI Gina

Shandys' meds (still Feldine) has been changed to e.o.d and has made a big difference to her not sicking up after eating now, plus the vet put her on some zantac syrup which helped.

I've also started her on pet milk and now only give her roll and chicken wings and dental chews and other softer foods, as I think too the positioning of the tumour is pressing on her stomach and this is possibly why she was having trouble digesting the biscuits. I also give her bones to chew. She is a medium to large sized dog (lab kelpie mix) so eating generally isn't much of a problem :)

I really don't know how to tell she might be in pain? She is still keen to go on her walks, although she does pant more than she used to. So at the moment it's a waiting time.

Well, take care and my thoughts are with all who've lost their 'little' ones to the big C.

Nov 11, 2013
by: Gina

Hi Jan,

My heart goes out to you. All I can do is advise you to go with your heart, don't let her suffer unnecessarily and enjoy as much time together as you can.

I lost one of my other dogs (Harvey) just three weeks ago with kidney failure. He was a good age, 14, but the decision to let him go was still hard to make, but we must do what is best for them, not for us.

I wish you all the best with Mollee, give her cuddles from me.


Nov 11, 2013
My Mollee has bladder Cancer
by: jan

My sweet little Mollee for the last 6 months has had to urinate a lot. The vet put her on UTI meds which didn't work, then he took blood to see if she was diabetic, which was no, then he took an X-ray and ultrasound and found something in her bladder. They did surgery on her last Thursday and found out it was cancer all throughout her bladder! I was devastated!

You would never know anything was wrong with her, except she has to urinate so much and it takes her a while to do so! Even when she is peeing she doesn't act like she is in pain. I am so sad. I am now trying to decide what the next step is. She is 10 1/2 and is still so happy, loves to play, and do all the things she used to do!!

Sep 26, 2013
A Year without our Flynn
by: Gina

Oh dear! It's been 12 months now since losing our beloved Flynn and writing this my heart is still breaking. I will never understand why he got the dreaded big C and that is perhaps why the heartache goes on.

If he was an older dog, and had a better start in life I perhaps could accept it better, as I have with previous dogs, but he was so small yet full of life it still feels so unjust.

Will miss you forever my darling little Angel.

Gina & Ian

Aug 23, 2013
Re Shandy's cancer
by: Anonymous

Hi thanks for your replies.

Shandy has only been diagnosed since July. She had been able to eat her dry kibble until just in the last week and the vomiting started, so I am now giving her more mushy food, including fish & chicken soup, and some turmeric, and chamomile tea. (She also has arthritis) The food seems to be helping.

She has a follow up appointment with the vet Monday,so will see how she is then.

Aug 22, 2013
by: Gina

Hi Wendy,

Just a quick update.

I have been reading about the treatment of anti-inflammatory med in bladder cancer for dogs, and this is quite effective as I can testify. However, vomiting is a side effect, although my little Flynn never suffered from it, so I think you may still have some quality time left with you Shandy.

My prayers and hopes are with you.

Aug 22, 2013
by: Tina

Hi Wendy,

So sorry to hear about Shandy. Our Flynn has been on rainbow bridge nearly 12 months now and we miss him every day.

Flynn never really vomited, he went off his food and we had to encourage him to eat the little he did. His main problem towards the end was constantly trying to go to the toilet, which was awful.

However, he had a full life for two and half years on anti-inflammatory and mild pain relief. It was only in the last few weeks when the pain was getting extremely bad that he had Tremadol which made he very lethargic.

You don't state how long Shandy has been diagnosed, but if she is still quite fit and happy I would only give her Tremadol if she absolutely needs it, perhaps just in the evening to help her settle.

My thoughts are with you and I hope you still have many happy times with her.

Best Wishes,

Aug 22, 2013
Shandy has Bladder cancer
by: Anonymous


Thanks for sharing your story, and so very sorry for your loss...

My Shandy has bladder cancer. She is 13 years old, and I've noticed she is vomiting (mostly at night). Did your Flynn do this towards the end? I have a follow up appointment at the vets' soon to find out if she should be on Tramadol. At the moment she is on a human type anti-inflammatory med.

Thanks again for sharing :)


Jan 05, 2013
3 months on
by: Gina

Hi Jackie,

Thank you for your wonderful comments. Christmas is over now and we got through it relatively ok. Still miss our little angel every day but apart from the odd time we can keep our thoughts quite positive remembering those wonderful times with him.

The little Westies are a wonderful dog and although we have another two, I would have a house full if we could afford it.

Good luck with yours, hope she keeps healthy for some years to come.

Jan 03, 2013
Thinking of you
by: Jackie

Breaks my heart to have read your story. I have a little westie who is the sweetest dog in the world. I couldn't imagine my life without her but I know it will come one day - she's nearly 12.

I'm sorry for your loss. I really am. I hope you meet your little puppy again one day.

Nov 17, 2012
2 months on
by: Ian & Gina

Well it's been two months now since we lost our little angel and although time has made the heart ache a little easier, we still miss him terribly.

Upon reading our article again it brings it all back as if it was yesterday, but it is nice to have those little moments where your whole mind is just thinking of that special "little fella".

Our two other dogs, Harvey and Oscar, were a little lost for a while, but even they have started to understand he's not coming back and beginning to be their old selves again.

For anyone out there who has gone or going through this sad situation, it does help to share.

Sep 29, 2012
He maybe lost but will never be forgotten
by: paul

After reading my parents' story on our little Flynn, I shared a tear or 2 along with all the good times and some not so!!! I can only be so grateful to have been touched in my heart by such a fantastic little fela with a massive personality.

Anybody that has more time for dogs than people, and lost a special friend will know where I am coming from!! We know deep down that this top dog will be running around like the happy dog we remember on rainbow bridge; things will never be the same now that he has gone but at least his pain has stopped now.

We will never forget you Flynn xxx

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