GSD with Oral Cancer - Heart in 1000 Pieces
by Betsy
(Ocala, FL)
Hi All,
Just last week, my 2 1/2 year old GSD was diagnosed with oral cancer.
Needless to say, my family and I are completely devastated. Her tumor is growing through the soft and hard palates at the top of her mouth. When we noticed it, it was large about 7". Vet removed 85% and we're hoping for a little more quality time with her.
Initially, after the removal, she was not herself at all and the vet told us to prepare ourselves. That was between Monday and Thursday of last week. Friday and through the weekend, she was almost her old self. I'm worried about her pain. I don't want her to suffer, AT ALL.
Treatment is not an option for us, as her mass is so large and complicated and we cannot bear the thought of putting her through so much just for a few months more.
She had a little bleeding prior to removing most of the mass and very foul breath. Other than that no symptoms at all. Currently, aside from sleeping a good bit more, she still plays, eats, drinks, etc. The bleeding has completely subsided and her breath is much improved due in part to removal and an antibiotic treatment. We also have her on pain meds.
How do I know when it's time? Does she appear to be doing so well because of her age and love for us? How do I know? I don't want to put her down too early - more so for her than us - and I certainly don't want to "do it" too late. Also, if anyone has a similar story, would you please share your experiences with me so that I may attempt to measure my Jett's quality and how much time she may have. My vet's answers are pretty ambiguous. We are new to his practice as we just relocated. If she wasn't in this situation, I would probably change, but he is kind and knowledgeable, just not so much of a "straight shooter". I think it's more in an attempt to be kind than anything else. But, we feel that we'd rather know what we're up against to help Jett in the best way possible. I'm more concerned about her than my feelings at this point.
Thanks for any thoughts or advice.